Monday, 18 October 2010

Speaker's Corner Today - read ...

Waiting: Sent 3 short comments today - all about Texe Marrs article about Obama vs Jews issues - one to rmn (to .... post 184105) and 2 to the australian site/link, although the second was not acknowledged, may be got lost. None of the critics of Texe Marrs /his article, who argue, how strong Jewish grip is, touched the issue of WW2.

Six scans going up:

- Russian forum post about false kgb/fsb recruitment so that REAL AGENTS could work undetected.

- World map with Birobidjan missing .... (capital of a JEWISH homeland/republic authorised by STALIN well BEFORE WW2). It is next to Manchjuria in the Far East. Roman Abramovich is from those parts.

- my first comment (re Texe Marrs).

- top scan - post 185178 at rmn forum can't be commented on, as there is no ( send an e-mail) link.
1. Listen to Charlotte Izerbyt about "sensitivity training"
2. Good example how they do almost everything for more than one reason : kissing in public - not just exhibitionism, but preparing ground, plus the Logic of Carl Levin (?) who argued with General John Sheehan (ref. homosexuals in the military).
- Two scans about Judicial-Inc.Org who wrote about mobster Malnik, among other things.
10:00 Tue. 19 Oct. 2010.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

David Cohn disappointment ...

To say I am severly disappointed with the behaviour of David Cohn would be an understatement. As I understand, he gave the e-mail to my daughter and not Elaine, to whom it was addressed (where I suggested a family meeting) and expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with my behaviour ... .
Brain -washing ? Stockholm syndrome ? How many people are affected? Gosport, Stubbington, The Hague ... .
Over a year ago we all went for a drive in Yorkshire Dales (in two cars ) and stopped for a rest (?) in an awkward place - very wet, so that one could not take a walk. I think we were close to that airbase, as smth. was visible on the horizon. The was smth. in the air, as if we waited for smth (?). And, of course, a suggestion/request to me to calculate some (engineering) coefficient for the (intended at the time) underground heating system.
Coincidentaly, earlier in Gosport one local man (who knew Olga) questioned my posession of a "Mathematics for Engineers" handbook - one of the numerous bargains from Moscow, so valuable for teaching and technical translations.
What about being driven to the hills for fresh air, where one has a wonderful nap or, on one ocassion, feels suddenly and violently sick?
As for the so-called sleep-wave, I experienced it in Lagos ( near WAEC) and saw people affected by it in Moscow.
Too many coincidences ... My mother studied in Voronezh, Natasha is from Voronezh ... . WW2 experiments on prisoners and totally unsuspecting people started long before WW2. Radio-Television-Air Force - Space Weapons.
I saw somewhere that Prof. A. Mundy-Castle had RAF in his CV. His "Mleko! Mleko! .." joke was
totally out of bounds. Was it from the database of the Harvard Project that probed all deep and sacred parts of human psyche, everything in different cultures that is a tabu, sacrilege, offence, etc? The "barak" wooden building in Eerde still had German signs and apparently housed Soviet POWs or slave-labourers. Even the Pushkin-Dantes drama has a presence there.
Finally, local paper had ignored my story a few years ago when a their journalist was available in the library to take an interview.
Psychopaths at large ... . Sadistic scum of every variety.
Today is the 1st of September. Gosport has been running projects for both Chernobyl and Beslan children ... .

Friday, 20 August 2010

Some notes on 20 August 2010, Friday.

Just spoke to "Roger" (11:25) in the Gosport Library. He said he did not tell me (last year?) that he was a former policeman. He was on a First bus shortly after some nasty theatrics, sitting next to the driver. On Monday morning just when arrests were being made (?) in the US of the Russian Spies I came to the library wearing brown-rimmed glasses and Roger seemed taken aback . I wore them partly because I was to open 55 slides from Mexico which arrived the previous Saturday if I am not mistaken (one of those chain-mails with nice pics, jokes, etc. that people of different nationalities engage in). Lots of digital imagery are LOADED (napichkany neizvestno chem), that includes wall papers, ads, etc. It's a big question whether sender and receiver see the same image, not speaking about the invisible bits. In fact one of the slide pictures with an Alsatian dog was reprodused (slightly edited) on the ads on the bus stops only recently. Hmm ... Roger is gone (11:42) and I wanted to show him what I have just written.
Roger just saw what I wrote - 11:44.
Spoke to "Brian" last Friday (?) in the News Kiosk (opp. Post Office, Gosport), who told me his name, also that he was not from Portsmouth University, but is a retired teacher (Portsmouth High school). He did not respond/deny when I described how "unsettling" I found his 'immobility' during the Gosport Library Photocopier incident.
[ Mon. 23 Aug.] The photocopier was without the LEFT tray at the time, so that copies came out into the central (hidden part). See present view of the copier on my spot-a-gosport blogsite.
By now I wonder if my e-mail about the incident wasn't "internally" highjacked in the Dutch Embassy .... The only diplomat at the Business Lunch thereafter acted as if he was 'in the know' ( I was talking to De Telegraaf journalist) and kept saying: it's the matter for the POLICE etc. I sent that E-mail elsewhere and all copies were either answered or acknowledged.
Friday 20 August 2010: MY SPEAKER'S CORNER (Gosport High Street - North/South Street) - incidents with child "prostitutes" and their minder and the one with clinically dead (?) boy carried by the prisoners were reiterated, plus more on Gosport Police women supervising (?) sadistic experiments/torture involving children.
The strange behaviour of a taxi driver in Nijmegen, Holland, who dropped me and Leonid Timochouk ( we came to visit Olga and Grisha ) in the middle of nowhere, etc.
Nijmegen is a very interesing historic place, where a Catholic University was 'renamed', in which in mid-nineties there was a Communist (officially) visiting social scientist Alexander Zinoviev.
Mr. Seveke was murdered in Nijmegen after NRC newspaper published his article/Manifesto.
Mon. 23 Aug. 2010 - 12.58 (corrected Tue.24 Aug.)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Vile imagery or simply "edited" - software does it all. They started well before the digital age (?).
Hotmail 'harassment' - for years (!) and not directed to junk, coming each time from a differrent e-mail address (all of which ARE hotmail addresses) .
Hotmail wants to know too much, just like ... British Gas.
Omyvid USHER case and more - Scotland against crooked lawyers website blocked as "extreme"....
Baby hears his mother for the first time:

Monday, 24 May 2010

I wrote a letter to the new MAYOR of Gosport - Roger Patrick ALLEN and dropped it at his residence - 11 Moat Walk, Alverstoke, Gosport.
The place is amazingly close to Woolston Court and still closer to where (old) Mary from The friends of the Earth lives. She was openly hostile to me at a reception in Gosport Library a few years ago. It is next to the residence of Jenny in Churcher Close, who worked part time in Gosport Council and at whose place "Ladies'" tea (?) meetings were held. She was the one I went to when I locked myself out of 4, Woolston Court. Her husband looked so 'Ukranian' to me.
It's a small world! Thanks to The News of the World !!!

Friday, 21 May 2010

British Museum.

African Diaspora.

Crossing continents: a celebration of the African Diaspora.
Sat. 22 May 2010 in British Museum, London.

 Edited: title plus text for URL - 8 Sept. 2018}.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Blue what ????

Every color is beautiful and has a range of meanings and associations. Having said that, imho the following seems to go a bit far: BLUE PRIDE WORLDWIDE is on the front page of The News. Page 3: It's all about Blue, say troops on deployment in Afghanistan. ...firmly behind Blue Day, which supports the Tom Prince Cancer Trust.
NB: in jargon Russian BLUE means homosexual, i.e. He is blue. To go/become blue ... .
I received TWO voting cards for May 6: one for the local, another - for the parliamentary elections. On about May 3 I received a letter apologizing for the mistake - I could vote only in the local elections. ID was not asked for.
My ex-husband visited US (Seattle?)in the 1970s. He had a friend there, who was doing a Ph.D. and had a Swedish wife and two children - a girl and a boy. I think I wrote about it on Expatica or elsewhere: around the time of the privatisation of Gosport Ferry (with a scandal of sorts) or soon thereafter there was an advertisement displayed of a "Fareham Shopping Centre" with a picture of a girl about 5-6 years old with a younger blond boy. The girl was the daughter of the couple in Seattle.
Only yesterday national papers had photos of the 2 new leaders (happy and smiling) with a headline: It's Love ! and similar.
The photograph of Lord Kagan which was on in the article by T.Stokes only for six (?) days, posted June 20, 2009 and removed June 26, 2009.I have a printout with the picture "Last updated 21/06/2009".
Why do we not hear from such prominent "dissidents" as Oleg Gordievski and Alexander Goldfarb, among others? I guess they know who and what "Henry Makow Ph.D." is ... .

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Sun puzzle solved ?

Extraordinary display of a flattering picture of Simon Cowell - "TV mogul" on The Sun Front page (extrordinarily displayed in Morrisons supermarket) was followed locally with a Domino's Pizza (next to to Launderette in Gosport, near War Memorial Hospital) brochure offering MEXICAN SIZZLER - the Official Pizza of BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT (Simon Cowell- the judge).

From The Sun of 5 May 2010: an article about Jonathan Martin, 14 - a cadet who died last Sunday; INEC 2010 Naval Conference to open in Portsmouth on 11 May; Guns - gold-plated and covered in gems and diamonds seized by Mexican Police from mobsters led by Oscar Nava Valencia - the right-hand man of drug baron Joaquin Guzman.
See four scans above.
Nigerian president Yar'Adua died in Saudi Arabia.
WW2 liberation Day parade held in Amsterdam on May 4 was spectacularly disrupted by a man 'who looked like an orthodox jew' followed by mass panic and stampede. He screamed during the two minutes silence. The man was known to the police.
Last year the minute of silence with ww2 veterans in attendance here in Stubbington was disrupted by young men revving their motocycles engines. The local veteran said the police were there and did nothing. The youths were locals.
Today an overwhelming call from the main British papers (like the Sun of yesterday) to vote Conservative. Whatever all this means ... .

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

14 year-old dies in Gosport ...

The scan from The News of Tue. 4 May article about 14 year-old boy who "plunged from a ship's rigging into Solent". The news made National headlines Monday May 3 (Workers Day Holiday). The bottom line on the scan is half cut-off, it seems. It reads (four coloumns):
shortly afterwards with three - He was then winched to a - board the 78ft brig, all from - coroner has been notified.'
I hope Gosport people do know how to vote tomorrow. I don't. British papers are in a frenzy with headlines about the 3 main parties only. Desperation is palpable. Today the most prominent display place in Morrisons supermarket newspaper stand was taken by .... the Sun (!) with a picture of ... Simon Cowell (of all people) on the front page. Just an example of the madness.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

De Spiegel - Christelijk Nationaal Weekblad - 1950, 1953, 1960.
SMN - a case to study (good people drawn into the NWO scam ... ).

Saturday, 20 March 2010

General John J. Sheehan

...." European militaries today are a product of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Nations like Belgium, Luxembourg, the Dutch, etc. firmly believed there was no longer a need for an active combat capability of the military.
As a result they declared a peace dividend and made a conscious effort to socialize their military. That includes the Unionisation of their militaries, it includes open homosexuality. "
( US Senate Armed Services Committee 18 March, 2010).

Friday, 12 March 2010


Olga Patta, Oleg Rakito, Oleg Gordievski, etc. - the world is too small.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Friday 26 February 2010 - seven scans.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

The Royal Mail "Certificate of posting" for letter and cheque I posted first class Tuesday 16 February - note the unclear date (important in context).
From Jay Bushinsky reports: Chicago Sun-Times, 19 Feb. 1987 - Israel asks President Reagan to stop granting refugee status to Soviet Jews. They are rather wanted in Israel.
2005: similar complaint about more Soviet Jews going to Germany, rather than Israel.
In 1987 (?) the transit country of Jewish emigration is changed from Austria to Romania, the only country in the Eastern Block having diplomatic relations with Israel at the time (?).
On page 3-4/11 of the article 'Zapah Sery' written by I.Medvedeva and T.Shishova:
( Mankind as a Lower Race ) - in an interview given by Alexander Bolonkin, "a famous researher in National Agency of the USA" to Komsomolskaya Pravda (published 17 August 1998) he predicts, that in the next 20 years human beings shall become 'eternal' or live forever as a result of gradual change from a man into a robot, with semiconductor chips being inserted into his body and his brain being replaced with a computer. E-beings shall be a higher and superior race on Earth.
In Russian:
F.William Engdahl : "Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines. Part III -
Mossad in Nigeria: in late 1980 (?) a fugitive Nigerian Oil Minister was kidnapped by Mossad in Britain. The operation failed, when the man stirred in the luggage box at the airport, awakening from a sedative.
-------------------- by Paul A. Drockton

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Tuesday, 16 February 2010.
Idi Amin (Daily Mail article) and pages from "Prodigal Daughter" by Jeffrey Archer.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Monday 1 February 2010:


Top scan - 1972 advert: Zenith Radio Corporation International Division, Chicago, 60639, U.S.A. The Royalty of television, stereophonic high fidelity instruments, phonographs, and radios.
ZENITH: USSR Moscow; Gosport, Voronezh, .....(?).
TELOGRAM - 2 letters.
PUGWASH article. 10 min. attention span ... .