Friday, 20 August 2010

Some notes on 20 August 2010, Friday.

Just spoke to "Roger" (11:25) in the Gosport Library. He said he did not tell me (last year?) that he was a former policeman. He was on a First bus shortly after some nasty theatrics, sitting next to the driver. On Monday morning just when arrests were being made (?) in the US of the Russian Spies I came to the library wearing brown-rimmed glasses and Roger seemed taken aback . I wore them partly because I was to open 55 slides from Mexico which arrived the previous Saturday if I am not mistaken (one of those chain-mails with nice pics, jokes, etc. that people of different nationalities engage in). Lots of digital imagery are LOADED (napichkany neizvestno chem), that includes wall papers, ads, etc. It's a big question whether sender and receiver see the same image, not speaking about the invisible bits. In fact one of the slide pictures with an Alsatian dog was reprodused (slightly edited) on the ads on the bus stops only recently. Hmm ... Roger is gone (11:42) and I wanted to show him what I have just written.
Roger just saw what I wrote - 11:44.
Spoke to "Brian" last Friday (?) in the News Kiosk (opp. Post Office, Gosport), who told me his name, also that he was not from Portsmouth University, but is a retired teacher (Portsmouth High school). He did not respond/deny when I described how "unsettling" I found his 'immobility' during the Gosport Library Photocopier incident.
[ Mon. 23 Aug.] The photocopier was without the LEFT tray at the time, so that copies came out into the central (hidden part). See present view of the copier on my spot-a-gosport blogsite.
By now I wonder if my e-mail about the incident wasn't "internally" highjacked in the Dutch Embassy .... The only diplomat at the Business Lunch thereafter acted as if he was 'in the know' ( I was talking to De Telegraaf journalist) and kept saying: it's the matter for the POLICE etc. I sent that E-mail elsewhere and all copies were either answered or acknowledged.
Friday 20 August 2010: MY SPEAKER'S CORNER (Gosport High Street - North/South Street) - incidents with child "prostitutes" and their minder and the one with clinically dead (?) boy carried by the prisoners were reiterated, plus more on Gosport Police women supervising (?) sadistic experiments/torture involving children.
The strange behaviour of a taxi driver in Nijmegen, Holland, who dropped me and Leonid Timochouk ( we came to visit Olga and Grisha ) in the middle of nowhere, etc.
Nijmegen is a very interesing historic place, where a Catholic University was 'renamed', in which in mid-nineties there was a Communist (officially) visiting social scientist Alexander Zinoviev.
Mr. Seveke was murdered in Nijmegen after NRC newspaper published his article/Manifesto.
Mon. 23 Aug. 2010 - 12.58 (corrected Tue.24 Aug.)

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