Friday, 14 May 2010

Blue what ????

Every color is beautiful and has a range of meanings and associations. Having said that, imho the following seems to go a bit far: BLUE PRIDE WORLDWIDE is on the front page of The News. Page 3: It's all about Blue, say troops on deployment in Afghanistan. ...firmly behind Blue Day, which supports the Tom Prince Cancer Trust.
NB: in jargon Russian BLUE means homosexual, i.e. He is blue. To go/become blue ... .
I received TWO voting cards for May 6: one for the local, another - for the parliamentary elections. On about May 3 I received a letter apologizing for the mistake - I could vote only in the local elections. ID was not asked for.
My ex-husband visited US (Seattle?)in the 1970s. He had a friend there, who was doing a Ph.D. and had a Swedish wife and two children - a girl and a boy. I think I wrote about it on Expatica or elsewhere: around the time of the privatisation of Gosport Ferry (with a scandal of sorts) or soon thereafter there was an advertisement displayed of a "Fareham Shopping Centre" with a picture of a girl about 5-6 years old with a younger blond boy. The girl was the daughter of the couple in Seattle.
Only yesterday national papers had photos of the 2 new leaders (happy and smiling) with a headline: It's Love ! and similar.
The photograph of Lord Kagan which was on in the article by T.Stokes only for six (?) days, posted June 20, 2009 and removed June 26, 2009.I have a printout with the picture "Last updated 21/06/2009".
Why do we not hear from such prominent "dissidents" as Oleg Gordievski and Alexander Goldfarb, among others? I guess they know who and what "Henry Makow Ph.D." is ... .

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