Wednesday, 1 September 2010

David Cohn disappointment ...

To say I am severly disappointed with the behaviour of David Cohn would be an understatement. As I understand, he gave the e-mail to my daughter and not Elaine, to whom it was addressed (where I suggested a family meeting) and expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with my behaviour ... .
Brain -washing ? Stockholm syndrome ? How many people are affected? Gosport, Stubbington, The Hague ... .
Over a year ago we all went for a drive in Yorkshire Dales (in two cars ) and stopped for a rest (?) in an awkward place - very wet, so that one could not take a walk. I think we were close to that airbase, as smth. was visible on the horizon. The was smth. in the air, as if we waited for smth (?). And, of course, a suggestion/request to me to calculate some (engineering) coefficient for the (intended at the time) underground heating system.
Coincidentaly, earlier in Gosport one local man (who knew Olga) questioned my posession of a "Mathematics for Engineers" handbook - one of the numerous bargains from Moscow, so valuable for teaching and technical translations.
What about being driven to the hills for fresh air, where one has a wonderful nap or, on one ocassion, feels suddenly and violently sick?
As for the so-called sleep-wave, I experienced it in Lagos ( near WAEC) and saw people affected by it in Moscow.
Too many coincidences ... My mother studied in Voronezh, Natasha is from Voronezh ... . WW2 experiments on prisoners and totally unsuspecting people started long before WW2. Radio-Television-Air Force - Space Weapons.
I saw somewhere that Prof. A. Mundy-Castle had RAF in his CV. His "Mleko! Mleko! .." joke was
totally out of bounds. Was it from the database of the Harvard Project that probed all deep and sacred parts of human psyche, everything in different cultures that is a tabu, sacrilege, offence, etc? The "barak" wooden building in Eerde still had German signs and apparently housed Soviet POWs or slave-labourers. Even the Pushkin-Dantes drama has a presence there.
Finally, local paper had ignored my story a few years ago when a their journalist was available in the library to take an interview.
Psychopaths at large ... . Sadistic scum of every variety.
Today is the 1st of September. Gosport has been running projects for both Chernobyl and Beslan children ... .

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