Monday, 18 October 2010

Speaker's Corner Today - read ...

Waiting: Sent 3 short comments today - all about Texe Marrs article about Obama vs Jews issues - one to rmn (to .... post 184105) and 2 to the australian site/link, although the second was not acknowledged, may be got lost. None of the critics of Texe Marrs /his article, who argue, how strong Jewish grip is, touched the issue of WW2.

Six scans going up:

- Russian forum post about false kgb/fsb recruitment so that REAL AGENTS could work undetected.

- World map with Birobidjan missing .... (capital of a JEWISH homeland/republic authorised by STALIN well BEFORE WW2). It is next to Manchjuria in the Far East. Roman Abramovich is from those parts.

- my first comment (re Texe Marrs).

- top scan - post 185178 at rmn forum can't be commented on, as there is no ( send an e-mail) link.
1. Listen to Charlotte Izerbyt about "sensitivity training"
2. Good example how they do almost everything for more than one reason : kissing in public - not just exhibitionism, but preparing ground, plus the Logic of Carl Levin (?) who argued with General John Sheehan (ref. homosexuals in the military).
- Two scans about Judicial-Inc.Org who wrote about mobster Malnik, among other things.
10:00 Tue. 19 Oct. 2010.

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