The scan from The News of Tue. 4 May article about 14 year-old boy who "plunged from a ship's rigging into Solent". The news made National headlines Monday May 3 (Workers Day Holiday). The bottom line on the scan is half cut-off, it seems. It reads (four coloumns):
shortly afterwards with three - He was then winched to a - board the 78ft brig, all from - coroner has been notified.'
I hope Gosport people do know how to vote tomorrow. I don't. British papers are in a frenzy with headlines about the 3 main parties only. Desperation is palpable. Today the most prominent display place in Morrisons supermarket newspaper stand was taken by .... the Sun (!) with a picture of ... Simon Cowell (of all people) on the front page. Just an example of the madness.
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