Monday, 4 August 2014

Scotland plus.

     A local man, who spoke Russian to me, had said that Scottish Communist Party was ... very very strict. On one occasion he displayed DDR for East Germany on his jacket.
     Much earlier, there was smb. else, who didn't try to be friendly, like the one I mentioned above, - quite the opposite. He looked to me like ex-Yougoslav, although he had US Airforce logo on his jacket. Talked about having worked in the field of psychiatry and IT.
     In the 1990s there was an info going round in the so-called Russian-speaking community about an excentric man in Sweden, who was interested in Russia and had some quaint hobby Samoliotiki - small aeroplanes. Anybody who wanted a holiday was welcome at his estate. I did not contact him at the time.
      X. gave her children for adoption in Scotland.
In Russian literature Scottish Masonic Lodge is described as the oldest/highest. Is it ?

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